Below are links to organizations, publications, online forums, radio and TV programs, and blogs devoted to issues addressed by The Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion. These are listed by subject area – except for the last three categories, which are wide ranging:
- Mind/Body Health and Medicine
- Consciousness and Human Nature
- Trauma and Dissociation
- Environmental Sensitivity
- Anomalous and Spiritual Experiences
- Gender, Personality, and Self
- Children and Nature
- Magazines and Newsletters
- Radio and TV Programs
- Blogs
1. Mind/Body Health & Medicine
- Advances in Mind-Body Medicine
- Alternative & Complementary Therapies
- Alternative Medicine Foundation
- American Headache Society
- American Institute of Stress
- American Psychosomatic Society
- Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
- Association for Psychological Science
- Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary & Alternative Medicine Research
- Help for IBS
- Institute of HeartMath
- International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
- International Neuropsychological Society
- International Society for Complementary Medicine Research
- International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology
- Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine
- Journal of Psychosomatic Research
- NARSAD, the Mental Health Research Association
- National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine
- National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- National Headache Foundation
- National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine
- Network on Mind-Body Interactions (MacArthur Foundation)
- Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society/li>
- Psychosomatic Medicine
- Research Council for Complementary Medicine
- Royal College of Medicine – Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine Section
- Royal College of Psychiatrists - Spirituality & Psychiatry Special Interest Group
- Society for Biological Psychiatry
- Society of Behavioral Medicine
- UCLA Center for Neurovisceral Sciences and Women’s Health
2. Consciousness and Human Nature
- American Synesthesia Association
- Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
- Autism Speaks (science page)
- Center for Consciousness Studies (University of Arizona)
- Edge (a forum featuring many leading thinkers)
- Emotion (American Psychological Assn journal)
- Geneva Emotion Research Group
- HealthEmotions Research Institute (at University of Wisconsin)
- Human Behavior and Evolution Society
- Human Nature Review
- Imagination, Cognition & Personality
- Institute of Noetic Sciences
- Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
- International Society for Research on Emotions
- International Society for Self and Identity
- Journal of Consciousness Studies
- Journal of Mental Imagery
- Metanexus Institute
- Metapsychology Online Reviews
- MIND Institute (University of California – Davis)
- Mind Science Foundation
- Neurosciences Institute
- Psyche journal
- Synesthesia Research Center
3. Trauma and Dissociation
- International Society for the Study of Dissociation
- International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
- Sidran Institute
- Trauma Information Pages
4. Environmental Sensitivity
- American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
- American Academy of Environmental Medicine
- American Environmental Health Foundation
- Bioelectromagnetics Society
- CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue & Immune Dysfunction) Association of America
- Environmental Health Perspectives – online journal of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
- and – many articles online
- Microwave News
- National Fibromyalgia Association
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation
- Swedish Association for the Electrosensitive
- The Highly Sensitive Person
5. Anomalous and Spiritual Experiences
- Alister Hardy Society Religious Experience Research Centre – at University of Wales
- American Psychological Association – Division of Humanistic Psychology
- Association for Humanistic Psychology
- Center for Frontier Sciences (Temple University)
- Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia
- EXPLORE, the Journal of Science & Healing
- Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
- International Association for Near-Death Studies
- International Association for the Study of Dreams
- International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine
- Koestler Parapyschology Unit (University of Edinburgh)
- Parapsychological Association
- Parapsychological Foundation
- Psi Explorer
- Rhine Research Center
- Science and the Spiritual Quest (Center for Theology & the Natural Sciences)
- Skeptical Investigations
- Society for Psychical Research
- Society for Scientific Exploration
- TASTE, the Archives of Scientists’ Transcendent Experiences
6. Gender, Personality, and Self
- International Society for Self and Identity
- International Society for the Study of Individual Differences
- International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders
- iVillage – a women’s health and wellness site
- Office of Research on Women’s Health (National Institutes of Health)
- Organization for the Study of Sex Differences
- Society for Women’s Health Research
- Women’s Health – BBC site
7. Children and Nature
8. Magazines and Newsletters
- Alternative Medicine
- New Scientist (Being Human page)
- Psychology Today
- Psychwatch
- Science & Consciousness Review
- Science & Spirit
- Science Daily (mind and brain news)
- Scientific American (mind and brain section)
- Spirituality & Health
- What is Enlightenment
9. Radio and TV Programs
- All in the Mind is a BBC program hosted by Claudia Hammond and Kwame McKenzie
- All in the Mind is also a program produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Co-hosts Natasha Mitchell and Gretchen Miller
- Body and Soul examines the latest ideas on how the mind and body work together for optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Creator and host is Gail Harris. Airs on select PBS stations
- Closer To Truth explores fundamental issues of consciousness, meaning and purpose through intimate, candid conversations with leading scientists, philosophers, scholars, theologians and creative thinkers of all kinds. Creator and host is Dr. Robert Lawrence Kuhn. The series airs on PBS
- The Health Report is another weekly program produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Host is Norman Swan
- The Infinite Mind airs on public radio, addressing all aspects of mental health, neuroscience, and the mind-body connection. Host is Dr. Peter Kramer
- The Naked Scientists present lively short subjects and interviews with renowned scientists via BBC radio and the Web. Host is Dr. Chris Smith
- RadioLab presents story-like explorations of frontier science on public radio. Co-hosts are Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich
- Speaking of Faith is an NPR program delving into spirituality, religion, belief, and meaning. Host and producer Krista Tippett
- The Spirit of Things is a weekly program on religion and spirituality produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Host is Rachael Kohn
10. Blogs